A Better Way

James Lawson, Architect of Nonviolence

This documentary feature will provide a fresh lens on the inner workings of the Nonviolence Movement of America through the untold story of Rev. James Lawson, the man Martin Luther King, Jr. called, 'the leading theorist and strategist of nonviolence in the world.” Intimate verité scenes and interviews with Rev. Lawson and activists he mentored from the 1950s through to today will illuminate his impact as he addressed "US cultures of violence, racism, sexism, and Plantation Capitalism.”  Rev. Lawson is one of the Movement’s last remaining leaders and his story provides evidence that nonviolent direct action is effective, and offers untapped strategies for future justice movement-building. 

For more information, please email: revjameslawsonfilm@gmail.com

In Loving Memory of Rev. James Lawson

September 22, 1928 - June 9, 2024

We have lost a giant of humanity, but his spirit will forever illuminate our path. As we say goodbye to Rev. James Lawson we reflect on the indelible mark he left on our lives and on our world. 

A couple of months ago, we were able to share our first rough cut with Rev. Lawson and he was very happy with what he saw as an authentic representation of his teachings. We thank you for your solidarity and encouragement as we continue to bring this documentary to fruition.  

Rev. Lawson, you taught us that nonviolent direct action is not just a strategy but a way of life. We promise to carry your torch forward, knowing our work for justice will continue long past our lifetimes. 

Thank you for lighting the path. Rest in power, dear ancestor.

Forever in our hearts,

Karen Hayes and the Ubuntu Motion Pictures Team

Please join us

We invite you to make a tax-deductible donation to the film through our non-profit fiscal sponsor.