This documentary will tell the story of Rev. James Lawson, a vanguard trainer of Nonviolent Direct Action in the United States, and the ways he laid the groundwork for many effective justice campaigns from the 1960s to the present day, in African American, Latinx, and many other communities.

Rev. James Lawson, the man Martin Luther King, Jr. called, “the leading theorist and strategist of nonviolence in the world,” reflects at 92 years of age on the genesis and trajectory of his lifelong practice and teaching of nonviolent direct action. This documentary film will explore the unique provocations of a man, who, without counsel, had decided by the young age of 16 to challenge Jim Crow laws, and by the age of 21 had developed clarity that America’s Selective Service Act was the first of many unjust laws that he would not obey.

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